miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Story and song of a seed.

Dear students, 
 Here you have a very interesting story of a seed we are going to read next day. You can't miss it, because after that, we will all sing a song together.

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

How do non-flowering plants reproduce with spores?

Plants classification

Dear students,

We are now studying the classification of plants. That is the reason why here you can find a great presentation about plants. As you know, you can even download it into your laptops. 
Your teacher Isa. 

How does the human heart work?

This a video that explains the function of the heart

Human systems

Dear students,

Here you can find the presentation of the human systems, so you can learn a lot about it. Remember you can download it into your laptops. 
Your teacher Isa. 

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Dear students, 
You can also learn more about living things, cells and the five kingdoms through this presentation.